Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First Post

           Hello and welcome to my blog! This blog will delve into the history of one of our country's most prominent automotive companies, Chevrolet. Founded in 1906, Chevy has since created some of the most timeless, desireable cars on the automotive market today. Chevy's model line runs the entire automotive gamut. On one side of the spectrum lies the Volt. An innovative, inexpensive, sensible, and reliable small car that does not use any petroleum. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Corvettes and Camaros, with their high power, performance technology, good looks, and adrenaline-pumping speed.
                            This blog will examine the whole spectrum of chevy cars (although mainly the fun ones!), starting from the company's birth in the early twentieth century going up all the way to present day. In each post, I will include a picture of one of chevrolet's coolest cars.  Here's one of my dream cars: A 1968 Chevy Camaro SS. What's your dream car?

1 comment:

  1. Jack, when I think of a car that represents America, I think of the Chevy. Not necessarily the new ones, but the older, classic ones like the Corvette and the Camaro. Now those were/are awesome cars! How did you get so interested in these particular model cars? I’m very interested in learning more about the history of these cars. When were they introduced and what have their sales been over the years? When were the peak years for sales? What is the profile of the typical consumer of these cars? How is Chevy holding up during this economic downturn? You’re off to a good start with your blog; I’m looking forward to returning soon to read (and learn) more! Mrs. A.
